Wednesday 10 December 2014

Relaxation Tip 8 - Get some physical activity


It will improve your health and your mood. (David Algeo RobertsonCooper)

I guess we're all pretty familiar with the benefits physical activity bring to our physical health.  The NHS weekly recommendation for 19-64 year olds to keep healthly is... 

At least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity aerobic activity every week (cycling or fast walking) AND muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week working all major muscle groups.


1.25 hours of vigorous intensity aerobic activity every week (running) AND muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week working all major muscle groups.

It has also been proven over and over again that there is a very strong link between our physical and mental wellbeing.  So put pretty simply as Algeo says, getting some physical activity "will improve your health and your mood".
Physical exercise can obviously lead to feeling physically tired but this natural tiredness can help us to get a better night's sleep and aid our relaxation.

Finding the right exercise for us is the key here.  If we don't enjoy it the chances of us sticking to it are slim particularly in the winter months when it's colder and darker and the warmth of the sofa seems even more inviting!  Maybe we have a try a few different things to find our fit, or try exercising with a friend to make it more fun and hopefully you'll keep each other going.

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